OFW and The Food Institute will be holding their annual Food Labeling Seminar on October 7, 8, and 9. The virtual training course will cover everything you need to know about food labeling in today’s marketplace.
This seminar will review the basics of FDA’s and USDA’s food labeling requirements, including recent updates. It will review the rules for authorized food labeling claims (such as healthy, gluten-free, organic) and requirements for BE labeling and country of origin labeling. It will also examine the pitfalls of using undefined claims such as natural, artisan, and wholesome. Special attention will be given to FDA enforcement, compliance actions by self-regulatory authorities, and lawsuits brought by class action attorneys. Additional sessions will be devoted to developing “clean” labels, marketing implications of FDA’s Nutrition Facts label, and future trends and developments.
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The Agenda:
Session 1: Food Labeling – The Basics (90 minutes) Oct. 7 @ 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM ET · A soup to nuts course detailing mandatory labeling requirements that all food companies must comply with, including the name of the product, net weight, name and address of the manufacturer, ingredient labeling, and nutrition labeling. Get your product on the market now and know that you are in compliance with all of the FDA’s basic requirements. Session 2: Food Labeling Claims Part I – What FDA and USDA Will Let You Say (120 minutes) Oct. 7 @ 2:45 PM – 4:45 PM ET · Includes a comprehensive discussion of the rules for health claims, structure/function claims, nutrient content claims, all-natural claims, no added sugar claims, as well as bioengineered, organic, fresh, healthy, gluten-free, and made in the USA label statements. Session 3: Food Labeling Claims Part II – What Else Can You Say on a Food Label and Who Will Be Watching (90 minutes) Oct. 8 @ 1:00 PM- 2:30 PM ET · Discusses the class action trap, case studies, and how to avoid becoming a target. Session 4: Nutrition Labeling 2020 (45 minutes) Oct. 8 @ 2:45 PM – 3:30 PM ET · How FDA’s new Nutrition Facts label is influencing marketing trends and consumer purchasing decisions. Session 5: Clean Labels – What They Mean and What They Don’t (45 minutes) Oct. 9 @ 1:00 PM – 1:45 PM ET · Covering the newest trends and developments in clean labeling. Session 6: What’s Ahead – The Food Labeling Frontier (60 minutes) Oct. 9 @ 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET · Discusses upcoming developments on food labeling claims and trends; the impact of COVID-19 on food labeling requirements; front of pack labeling; standards of identity revisions; claims on social media; and labeling of products containing CBD and other cannabis-derived substances. |
For more information please visit: https://foodinstitute.com/event/food-labeling-summit-2020/