New Emergency Livestock Relief Program (ELRP) Phase 1 To Provide $750 Million in Relief to Livestock Producers  

On April 4, 2022, the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) published a notice in the Federal Register announcing the new Emergency Livestock Relief Program (ELRP). The first phase of ELRP (i.e., Phase 1) will provide payments to producers who faced increased supplemental feed costs as a result of forage losses due to a qualifying drought or wildfire in the year 2021 using data already submitted to FSA through the Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP).

The notice provides eligibility requirements and payment calculations for Phase 1 of ELRP assistance.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligible livestock producers for ELRP Phase 1 are producers with an approved 2021 LFP. FSA will use livestock inventories, forage acreage, restricted animal units and grazing days due to fire, and drought intensity levels already reported to FSA for the 2021 Livestock Forage Disaster Program Application (on form number CCC-853). Eligible livestock producers are not required to submit an additional application unless FSA requires additional forms within 60-days of the ELRP deadline.

For a producer to be eligible for a payment based on the higher payment rate for eligible, historically underserved farmers or ranchers or increased payment limitation, as described below, producers must submit From CCCC-860 (Social Disadvantaged Farmers) or FSA-510 (Request for an Exception to the $125,000 Payment Limitation for Certain Programs).

Payment Calculations

The ELRP Phase 1 payment will be equal to the eligible livestock producer’s gross 2021 LFP calculated payment. The gross 2021 calculated payment is the amount calculated according to 7 CFR 1416.207 “Payment Calculations,” under the USDA Emergency Agricultural Disaster Assistance Programs.

The gross 2021 calculated payment will then be multiplied by the applicable ELRP payment percentage. The ELRP Phase 1 payment percentage will be 90 percent for historically underserved farmers and ranchers, and 75 percent for all other producers.

There are also payment limitations that may apply based on the average adjusted gross farm income (derived from farming, ranching, and forestry operations).

Please contact us if you have any further questions. 


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