FDA has scheduled a public meeting in Chicago on Tuesday, October 20, 2015, from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., (Central), as a follow-up to its recent publication of final rules establishing preventive controls requirements for human and animal foods. The public meeting will be broadcast as a live webinar, too.   It is intended to provide stakeholders and interested persons with an opportunity to discuss the final rules, as well as FDA’s planning effort for the next phase of FSMA implementation.
FDA is holding the public meeting/webinar on the two preventive controls final rules to address what is different from the proposals; discuss the plans for guidance documents and outstanding issues that might be addressed in guidance; provide an update on the development of implementation work plans; and answer questions. It will brief stakeholders/interested persons on the key components of the preventive controls final rules, respond to questions, and discuss the next phase of FSMA implementation with respect to human and animal food preventive controls requirements.
Seating space is limited at the public meeting, so participants are urged to preregister early. Preregistration will be cutoff on October 12, 2015. Preregistration for the live webinar also is requested.
Electronic questions about the final rules may be submitted in advance to the FDA FSMA Technical Assistance Network (without a guarantee that they will be asked/answered).