The agency on July 14, 2016 published FDA Foods and Veterinary Medicine Program (FVM) – Strategic Plan — Fiscal Years 2016–2025. This FVM Program outlines goals and objectives for the next 10 years:
GOAL 1: Food Safety Hazards — Protect America’s Consumers and Animals from Foreseeable Hazards
1.1: Establish and gain high rates of compliance with science-based preventive control standards across the global farm-to-table continuum.
1.2: Improve prevention, detection, and response to foodborne illness outbreaks and other food and feed safety incidents.
1.3: Strengthen the ability of consumers to play a proactive role in minimizing food safety risks.
1.4: Enhance the safety of food and feed additives and dietary supplements.
1.5: Strengthen existing partnerships with international, federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial agencies to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the FDA’s food safety program for government and industry.
GOAL 2: Nutrition — Foster an Environment to Promote Healthy and Safe Food Choices
2.1: Provide and support accurate and useful nutrition information and education so consumers can choose healthier diets consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and other evidence-based recommendations.
2.2: Monitor and assess emerging nutrition science as well as changes in the composition of foods in the marketplace in relation to the nutritional and health status of Americans.
2.3: Encourage and facilitate new products and product reformulation to promote a healthier food supply.
GOAL 3: Animal Health — Protect Human and Animal Health by Enhancing the Safety and Effectiveness of Animal Health Products
3.1: Improve access to safe and effective animal drug products.
3.2: Reduce risks in the manufacturing, production, distribution, and use of FDA- regulated animal health products.
3.3: Strengthen detection and surveillance of problems with FDA-regulated animal health products.
GOAL 4: Organizational Excellence — Continuously Improve the Leadership, Management, Staffing and Organizational Capacity of the FVM Program to Protect Public Health
4.1: Achieve optimal risk-informed resource allocation throughout the FVM Program.
4.2: Optimize the development and deployment of the FVM Program’s scientific expertise and organizational capacity to better understand and detect hazards and devise preventive interventions.
4.3: Attract, retain, and optimally deploy the skilled workforce required to lead, manage, and execute the FVM Program’s public health mission.
The strategic plan based on the following principles:
- Public health is the first priority;
- Partnerships are the key to success;
- Scientific expertise and research are the foundation of the FVM Program’s work; and
- The FVM Program is committed to operating openly and transparently.
The FVM Program encompasses the Office of Foods and Veterinary Medicine, the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, and the Center for Veterinary Medicine, as well as the related activities under the Office of Global Regulatory Operations and Policy and the Office of Regulatory Affairs.
Comments may be submitted on the strategic plan at any time.