As published in the November issue of The National Provisioner
In the October issue, The National Provisioner honored 25 past icons who made their mark on industry since 1991. This month, to wrap up the magazine’s coverage of its 125th Anniversary, the editorial team decided to take on a bigger challenge: Select 25 individuals we expect will change the industry over the next decade or two. As such, we present our 25 Future Icons.
In similar fashion to our Past Icons, Future Icons were nominated by industry peers, and final selections were determined by the editorial staff of The National Provisioner.
Booren’s new role as senior policy adviser at OFW Law will allow her to remain front-and-center as a strong influence on the industry’s direction at the regulatory/legislative level. In her previous role with the North American Meat Institute, Booren set the tone for what’s to come, always stressing science as the foundation for policy and regulatory decisions — a belief she is expected to continue to champion at OFW Law.
For the complete list of “future icons,” click here.