“National and global food security is essential. 

I remain committed to this goal in all that I do.”

Marshall Matz

Senior Counsel

Marshall has devoted his career, for the most part, to domestic and global food security. Starting as Counsel to the Senate Committee on Agriculture he crafted all the nutrition legislation championed by Senators George McGovern (D-SD) and Bob Dole (R-KS). He was also counsel to the Senate Select Committee on Nutrition when it published Dietary Goals for the United States, which has been memorialized as the USDA-HHS Dietary Guidelines and updated every five years. This focus on food security has led to a devotion to sound science, agriculture research, and biotechnology. He now works with the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa helping them to grow themselves out of poverty. In that capacity he served as Ambassador to the United States for Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the United Nations. Other areas of interest have been Native American policy and rural development including forestry.  

Past Experience

Leadership & Community

Board member:

World Food Program – USA

Food Research Action Center

Congressional Hunger Center



B.S. UConn: JD, University of Louisville

Bar Admissions

District of Columbia

Court Admissions

DC, Connecticut, South Dakota Federal Court, 8th Circuit
DC Circuit
Supreme Court